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The student news site of Bishop Union High School

Bronco Round Up

  • March 3Cerro Coso will be here on April 7th to help Dual enroll students
  • March 3Crochet club is every Tuesday in Mrs. Kuhl's room
  • March 3This Friday, March 7th, is a Staff Development Day, there will be no school!
The student news site of Bishop Union High School

Bronco Round Up

The student news site of Bishop Union High School

Bronco Round Up

Shania Womack

Shania Womack, Journalist

Shania Womack, a sophomore here at BUHS, is a journalist for Bronco Round-Up. Although she is not 100% sure of what she wants to do after high school, she wants to major in Psychology. Over the past years, she has looked into careers such as a neuropsychologist, a clinical psychologist, or a psychiatrist. Womack is interested in helping people with mental disorders and the brain and she wants to be able to help people going through a hard time when they feel like they can’t talk about it to anyone. When describing herself, she would say she is very friendly, academic, and respectful. Despite her not knowing what she really wants to do, she has always known she wanted to help people, especially if they are going through a hard time. She plans to achieve this by working hard in school and going to a university. Her favorite class is Honors history because she loves learning about the past and what people have done in the past. It also helps that she has a lot of friends in that class.

All content by Shania Womack
This is the Bronco roundup page from BUHS or also known as The Broncos

Search & Rescue Race

Shania Womack, Journalist
March 9, 2020
The  Inyo Promise

The Inyo Promise

Shania Womack, Journalist
March 9, 2020
The blood Car

Blood Drive

Shania Womack, Journalist
February 28, 2020
Theater Club's Return

Theater Club’s Return

Shania Womack, Journalist
February 21, 2020
This is the Bronco roundup page from BUHS or also known as The Broncos

Student Senate

Shania Womack, Journalist
February 13, 2020
This is the Bronco roundup page from BUHS or also known as The Broncos

BUHS’ Winter Dance

Shania Womack, Journalist
February 5, 2020
Spirit Week 12/16 - 12/20

Spirit Week 12/16 – 12/20

Shania Womack, Journalist
December 16, 2019
Paige Vance.

Finals Week

Shania Womack, Journalist
December 5, 2019
Board Meeting, Nov. 21

Board Meeting, Nov. 21

Shania Womack, Journalist
November 21, 2019
Homecoming Recapped

Homecoming Recapped

Shania Womack, Journalist
October 31, 2019
Spirit Week 10/21 - 10/25

Spirit Week 10/21 – 10/25

Shania Womack, Journalist
October 21, 2019
This is the Bronco roundup page from BUHS or also known as The Broncos

Bishop Twin Theaters New Look

Shania Womack, Journalist
October 21, 2019
This is the Bronco roundup page from BUHS or also known as The Broncos

Homecoming Participation

Shania Womack, Journalist
October 6, 2019
Mrs. Holland and Jessica Cozad on prior NY trip.

BUHS Heads to New York

Shania Womack, Journalist
September 6, 2019
Fashion heads to New York

Fashion heads to New York

Shania Womack, Journalist
August 29, 2019
Feedback Wanted!

Feedback Wanted!

Shania Womack, Journalist
June 1, 2019

ASB Elections

Shania Womack, Journalist
May 15, 2019
Cheer & Dance Team

Cheer & Dance Team

Shania Womack, Journalist
April 30, 2019
Mamma Mia

Mamma Mia

Shania Womack, Journalist
April 28, 2019
Opioid Assembly on 4/16

Opioid Assembly on 4/16

Shania Womack, Journalist
April 18, 2019
Talent Show

Talent Show

Shania Womack, Journalist
March 21, 2019
Youth Coalition

Youth Coalition

Shania Womack, Journalist
March 20, 2019

Bronco Pride Night

Shania Womack, Journalist
March 1, 2019
Brady Womack: Senior Profile

Brady Womack: Senior Profile

Shania Womack, Journalist
February 25, 2019
Spirit Week Recap

Spirit Week Recap

Shania Womack, Journalist
February 19, 2019
Dance Team Competition

Dance Team Competition

Shania Womack, Journalist
February 12, 2019
Spirit Week 2/4-2/8

Spirit Week 2/4-2/8

Shania Womack, Journalist
January 18, 2019
Paige Vance.

Studying for Finals Week

Shania Womack, Journalist
December 18, 2018
Kmart's Bankruptcy

Kmart’s Bankruptcy

Shania Womack, Journalist
December 9, 2018
Insight On The Office Secretary

Insight On The Office Secretary

Shania Womack, Journalist
November 13, 2018
Moving Up: JV to Varsity

Moving Up: JV to Varsity

Shania Womack, Journalist
October 19, 2018
Kathleen Stout Interveiw

Kathleen Stout Interveiw

Shania Womack, Journalist
October 14, 2018

Carissa Devine, New Librarian

Shania Womack, Journalist
September 27, 2018
A Spooktastic Adventure

A Spooktastic Adventure

Shania Womack, Journalist
September 25, 2018
Make a Difference Today!

Make a Difference Today!

Shania Womack, Journalist
September 16, 2018
From Moose to Mules

From Moose to Mules

Shania Womack, Journalist
August 29, 2018
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