The Doomsday Clock is Close to Midnight


Seth Cox, Journalist

         The doomsday clock, originally set to 7 minutes to midnight, was made in 1947 and was made to represent chances of total nuclear annihilation. The device was a big clock with midnight representing the end of humanity, expected to never go higher than it was in the cold war. In 2020 it was set to 100 seconds to midnight making it higher than it was ever supposed to be, but it got even higher in January of this year with the escalation of Ukraine, China’s fentanyl getting shipped, as well as China spying on the USA. Chances of it getting closer is high with the spy balloons, one flying over Montana, heading its way to the east coast. The balloon was shot down over the east coast with China calling it an act of war. More concerningly the balloon was found carrying explosives as well as servers, sensors, and cameras.