BUHS Dress Code 2019


Allison Birkhimer, News Editor

BUHS Dress Code 2019

BUHS has recently updated the dress code that will be enforced throughout the school year.


  1. Clothes shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times. See-through or fishnet fabrics, low-cut tops, spaghetti straps, strapless tops, or bare midriffs are prohibited.


  1. Skirts, shorts, and tops must conceal all body parts, especially when the student is sitting down or bending over. Tank tops must have straps—no strapless tops—and those straps must be 2” in width.


  1. Shorts/skirts must be fingertip length or longer. Holes in jeans must fall below fingertips.


  1. Clothing that requires constant maintenance to meet code (shirts, skirts, shorts) or covered with another garment (eg. sweatshirt) is not allowed.



Tags: Dress Code, BUHS, Bishop Union Highschool, 2019, School Year, High School