Link Crew conference

Lauren Kost, writer

Leadership is the willingness to give guidance to a group of people. Begin in Link Crew here at Bishop Union High school may seem to be a small thing but there are thousands of Link crew organizations in schools all across the world, so really being in Link Crew makes you part of something BIG!

This year I attended the Link Crew conference in La Habra. 14 students out of the 40 Link Crew members came on this trip. During this trip we visited Whittier college and got a campus tour by two current students. We also got to explore downtown Whittier where we got a good feel for the Whittier community. Also on this trip we went to a mall where we did a scavenger hunt with various random people as well as went shopping.

Lastly and most importantly on this trip we attended a Link Crew conference at the La Habra High school. When we arrived two current girls from the school ran up to us with a Bishop Bronco sign and welcomed us with smiles and excitement. When we entered the gym where the conference was being held there were 400 Juniors and Seniors from all different schools! I found it really cool to know that for the next couple hours I would be surrounded by nice, positive people who are trying to make a difference in there school and peer’s lives. We had a speaker who was really great and inspired us all. One thing I took away from her was “Time”. Time in link crew is defined as : Teach,Invest,Mentor and, Encourage. During this conference we played multiple games and even did some challenges. My favorite was the Rock Paper Scissors challenge. The object of this Challenge was to have one winner out of 400 of us and we succeeded! We also played activities that gave us the opportunity to sit down and think about good times and even some bad times and were able to open up to our group and feel like we are safe and belong. Towards the end of the conference we were each given six sticky cards where we would right something kind and inspirational and we had one song to go around the whole gym and find someone who we think needed a sticky card. I myself got about ten sticky cards with some really kind messages. Overall the conference was a very fun and eye opening experience where I made tons of new friends and formed relationships with people that I just met in a matter of four hours. As a Link Crew member I encourage anyone who is interested in being a leader to join this great group, not only does it look good on college applications and puts you in a raffle for a scholarship but it really makes a difference in your peer’s lives and opens you up to meet new people.

Bishop union Link Crew,Leadership,BUHS Link Crew,Student life, La Habra, Conference.