Senior Profile: Alondra Meza  


Sydney Ellis, writer

Senior Profile: Alondra Meza

Alondra Meza a senior at Bishop Union High school will be Graduating and expanding her knowledge as she plans to attend college. Alondra has prepared for college by taking lot more academic classes and taking courses up at our local community college Cerro Coso and researched schools weekly in her junior year. Her future plans are to attend a four-year university and major in Biology and or agriculture but her main goal is to be OB nurse and later return to college and get her masters and hopefully get her Doctorate degree and deliver babies as an OB doctor. Alondra has not yet chosen a university but her top three, Oklahoma State, University of Nevada Reno, and UC Davis. Alonda has had to overcome the struggle of losing her mother during her sophomore year she explained that it has been very difficult realizing she has missed out on some import mom and daughter talks but she believes that through this experience she has become more independent and she is even stronger than she was before. After college Alondra wants to be working in a Hospital and helping woman bring life into this world.  

senior profile, senior, class of 2019, Alondra Meza, Bishop Union High school, college