Hunter Beall Senior Profile


Eric Lind, Assistant to Sports Editor

Hunter Beall a local linebacker has grand aspirations regarding his future career as a nurse. Enlisting post-high school is at the front of this BUHS seniors mind in the Air Force where Beall is planning on completing the combat rescue program and furthering his interest in intervening in people’s lives who need help.

A couple of hobbies that Beall is passionate about is taking advantage of the Eastern Sierra’s outdoors by hunting, fishing, and playing football at BUHS. Additionally, Hunter has earned a captainship during his time on the football field and has made his father, who is also a Varsity Coach of the Broncos, extremely proud.

Throughout his entire life, it has been his goal to be a soldier that he believes he was born to be. Enlisting is not the only goal that he has because after he gets done touring with the Air Force Bealle plans on attending either Notre Dame or Northern Arizona University. Beall’s eventual goal is to settle down in his hometown where he can practice the skills he has acquired in the numerous training programs he will have completed and be a nurse, meanwhile starting a family.