Senior Profile on Bailey Fasick

Bailey Fasick at University of Reno

Bailey Fasick at University of Reno

Taylor McCormick

I met Bailey when she was just starting out in middle school, we’ve known each other for a long time and spent almost everyday together for years. Since then, I have admired her free spirit and acceptance for everyone. Here is Bailey’s plans for graduating and life after!


Q: Where do you plan on going to college?

A: I will be attending the University of Nevada, Reno for nursing to get my BSN.


Q: Will you be Moving?

A: Yeah! I’ll be moving to Reno this summer.


Q: If so, What will you miss most about Bishop?

A: I think I’d miss the small town feeling. Being able to drive up to lakes and go paddleboarding or hiking around and adventuring. Definitely miss my family around here and my lil pup.


Q: What are you most excited for after graduation?

A: I’m most excited to get out of this town and finally pursue something that I’m interested in. Seeing something besides Bishop will be exciting and a whole new experience.

Q: What is your biggest fear for after graduation?

A: I think my only fear is moving to a city all myself. I know few people out there but living on my own for the first time will be a new experience but it will be all worth it in the end.


Q: Do you feel prepared for college?

A: I do feel prepared for college but at the same time I’m worried about money considering I’ll be in debt for a long time. My class semester classes don’t seem too challenging considering pre-requisites remind me of high school classes.


Q: What career do you want to pursue?

A: I want to become a Nurse Anesthetist.


Q: Why this career?

A: I choose this career because I have always wanted to be a nurse but I was never sure what I wanted to specialize in as a nurse so I chose anesthesia because I think being around an anesthesiologist and helping with surgerys would be neat.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

A: In 10 years, I’d most likely be finishing up my anesthesia program and become a certified CRNA (nurse anesthetist). I want to pursue the program in either Oregon or Washington and do my residency there.


Q: How will you want Bishop Union High School to remember you?

A: Truthfully, I’m not sure how I want Bishop High to remember me. Probably my plethora of random hair colors during my freshman year.