Violet Aoki Senior Profile


Violet Aoki Image By: Violet Aoki

Hana Hogan

Senior Profile on Violet Aoki

Violet is in her Senior year of high school and is preparing to move onto monumental events in her life. I interviewed Violet Aoki to find out what she plans on doing after high school and how she feels about graduation.

Q: Do you plan on going to college? If so, where?
A: “I (hopefully) plan on attending Otis College of Art and Design or Calarts.”

Q: Since you are leaving Bishop, what will you miss most?
A: “I’d probably only miss the quiet nature of Bishop.”

Q: What are you most excited about after graduation?
A: “Full independence.”

Q: What is your biggest fear after graduation?
A: “I don’t think I fear anything major at the moment but I eventually will.”

Q: Since you are going to college, do you feel prepared?
A: “I feel somewhat prepared, but I worry about completing my portfolio.”

Q: What career do you plan on pursuing?
A: “I want to become an art teacher and/or tattoo artist.”

I had some follow-up questions for Violet.

Q: Would you like to be an art teacher more than a tattoo artist, or vice versa?
A: “I would actually prefer to be a tattoo artist over an art teacher.”

Q: How long have you wanted be a tattoo artist?
A: “I’ve had the interest for a tattoo artist since 6th grade but have never fully pursued the career until last year as a junior.”

Q: How long have you wanted to be an art teacher?
A: “I’ve wanted to be an art teacher if tattooing didn’t work out for me also during junior year.”

Q: Why do you want to be an art teacher?
A: “As an art teacher I thought it would be cool to still teach kids skills but also give them independence on projects because as an artist there is hatred for being told what to do.”

Q: Why do you want to be a tattoo artist?
A: “I wanted to be a tattoo artist(TA) because of the influences I have from my Father and Uncles who are TA’s and the vast majority of my family that have tattoos so those influences are what really sparked interest along with the dedication and techniques that some TA’s have is inspiring for me.