Tweet Tweet in the Streets; Local Student Gets Over 40k Retweets


Grace Griego, Arts and Entertainment Editor

Local BUHS student, Jeniffer Velazquez, recently had a tweet become viral. At approximately 9:32 AM, as of October 5th, 2017, the tweet has 48.6k retweets. When asked how this tweet became viral, Jeniffer responded, “On Twitter people post a lot of random pictures with the text on the picture being ‘retweet in 5 seconds or bad luck’ and so when I saw this broken phone at Kmart I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to troll my friends. I thought I’d get 10 retweets max but it just kept growing.” Jeniffer did not expect this reaction at all. Part of her hoped that it would go viral, but it took her by surprise.

Jeniffer’s most popular tweet prior to this one was a tweet made to her favorite artist, EDEN. It’s pictured above and is a reference to one of his songs. That tweet gained 202 retweets. Jeniffer said “I thought I was a legend, but little did I know I’d be bopping again.”

The best response to her viral tweet has been from her friends. One of Jeniffer’s friends was noticed by Khalid on Twitter and so now with her new found viral stardom, her friends call their squad from VidCon the A-listers. Unfortunately, this famous tweet has brought about a fair amount of negative responses as well. A lot of people have said that this tweet is unoriginal, and thrown various insults at Jeniffer. “It’s wild,” Jeniffer responds.

Jeniffer’s favorite tweet that has not taken off, is pictured above. She saw that people were making movie caption memes, so she decided to do that.

When asked if she thinks another one of her tweets will take off like this one did, Jeniffer said, “Probably not, because I don’t have many followers and this was retweet bait. I don’t think I’ll get another one like this unless I come up with something really clever.”