Ramneet Kaur
March 13, 2017
You all might have seen Ramneet around school, or in a class. Ramneet is an excellent student and appendage to the Junior class. Ramneet can be spotted at tennis practice or slaving over math problems in her Honors Math III course. Here is a little insight to Ramneet and her high school life.
Ramneet is unique in many ways. She can speak three different languages incredibly fluently. She speaks Punjabi, Hindi and English. She is in the process of becoming fluent in Spanish, during De la Mora’s 7th period Spanish III. Ramneet is setting her future goals high as she plans to attend University of California San Diego. She later plans to earn a degree in business and economics, and then forward to her career. When asked how she would rate her high school experience at Bishop Union, she said that she would rate it a 7/10 because of the homework impacted upon the students. Another reason for the satisfactory rating of the high school is the recent cuts on the school district. She said that, ” The cuts affect me personally, because I feel that if cuts are made to fine arts courses, it’s detrimental to the students at BUHS.” Ramneet also covered a story of the school board’s verdict on the recent budget cuts to the music department and English department. (The link will be found below the story.) Ramneet’s favorite high school memory is homecoming dances, because she gets to eat and dance with her close friends and have an all around good time, even though the area it is held in gets super humid.
Ramneet shows a talent for journalism as she is able to create unbiased articles on controversial subjects. Ramneet is on the sports team for bronco round up and always elicits an example hard working. Some of her other articles will be linked down below the story, so you readers can check out her sports work and other round up works. When asked about her greatest achievement Ramneet showed that she hasn’t achieved her greatest, she is leaving room in the future for her greatest achievement, whether it is becoming the President or Vice president of the United states, or becoming the top CEO of a tech company, Ramneet will never settle for less. Ramneet hasn’t had a life changing moment yet but believes that she can over come any obstacle that life throws at her.