Daily Bulletin, February 23

CELEBRATE FFA WEEK!  TODAY, come enjoy Pizza and learn more about how you can attend the California FFA
State Conference!  Also, come hear what FFA has going on and how you can be involved in the BUHS Chapter!
CREATIVE WRITING CLUB MEETING:  TODAY.  Calling all creative writers to come to our first meeting in room 306,
Mr. Perry’s room.  We will be discussing officers, our annual author project, and our monthly creative writing
U.S.  MARINE REP ON CAMPUS!    A representative from the US Marines will be on campus during lunch TODAY
2/23. If you are interested please see him in the mall area.  
OUTDOOR CLUB:  Meetings every Wednesday in room 204 at lunch!  Hope to see you there!
CALLING ALL NASA CLUB LEADERS/MEMBERS:  Yearbook photo will be take TOMORROW, Feb. 24th during
Homeroom.  Please meet on the front steps of the school.  Please be on time!
ROTARY INTERNATIONAL SPEECH CONTEST!   Deadline to submit your ENTRY FORM to Mrs. Andersen is  
TOMORROW, February 24!  The Contest is Tuesday, February 28th.   Questions?  See Mrs. Andersen in the
Guidance Office.
SNOW CLUB:   The next trip will be on Wednesday, March 1st.  Sign‐up with Mr. Fulkerson (room 203) BEFORE
lunch on Tuesday, February 28th.   
FAFSA & CALIFORNIA DREAM ACT Applications are due March 2!  That is only 8 days away!
PAID JOB OPPORTUNITY FOR 15‐16 YEAR OLD STUDENTS:  Earn $50‐$100 plus reimbursement for the cost of
getting an official California ID.  See Mrs. Andersen for more information.  
ANONYMOUS REPORTING:  Did you know we have an anonymous reporting form on our website where you can  
let someone know about incidents of bullying or other campus concerns to BUHS administration?  Check it out!  It
is located on the left hand column of the school’s website!  And yes, it is really anonymous!
THE VOTE IS IN . . . .The 2017 Prom Theme will be MARDIS GRAS!  Prom will be held on Saturday, May 13th!
DESIGN A BOOKMARK!   Visit the Inyo County Free Library website (click on EVENTS) for more information!   
LEO CLUB MEETING in Ms. Helfrich Holland’s room on Monday, 2/27 @ lunch!  Sign up for community service
activities and get info on leadership camp.  Lunch will be provided!  See you there.
NATIVE AMERICAN STUDENTS:  The Bishop Paiute Tribe Family Formation Program will be hosting a presentation
on Tuesday, Feb. 28th for all Native American students in the Girl’s Gym during the lunch hour.  If you are in need
of any sport equipment, meal money and/or travel fees associated with softball/baseball/track &
field/wrestling/golf/band/choir/AVID/Mathletes or any other school clubs or school related activities, etc. please
make sure you come to the presentation.  Your attendance is MANDATORY if you will be seeking assistance
through this program. Lunch will be served to everyone in attendance.  Please make sure you sign up for lunch in
the Liaison’s office in room #121 in the Main Bldg. before this Friday.  If you have any questions please see Cyndie
before school, during break/lunch or after school in room #121.
COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES!  20 hours of service is a graduation requirement.
 CSF STUDENTS:  10 volunteers are needed to help with the Elementary School Science night on February
23rd from 4:30PM – 8 PM.  Sign up with Mrs. Andersen in the Guidance Office
 SIERRA ROLLER HOCKEY LEAGUE SNACK SHACK:  Contact Mrs. Kane in the guidance office to sign up!
 TRI‐COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS NEEDS YOU!  Contact 760‐873‐3588 to join the volunteer list for various
upcoming events.  Table set up/take down, event prep, ticket sales, answering phones, etc.
SENIOR SHOLARSHIPS (visit the Guidance webpage for application links & current information)
 THE DONALD SLAGER SUNSET FOUNDATION: Vocational & Academic scholarships available.   You must
complete the PDF version of the application, print and mail. Postmark DEADLINE: March 3, 2017.
 NEWSENIOR SCHOLARSHIP POSTING:  If you are of Portuguese descent with a 3.5 GPA, see Mrs. Andersen
about the Cabrillo Civic Club Scholarship.  Postmark deadline:  March 15th.
 CA ALARM ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP:  Students with a parent involved in Law Enforcement or Fire
Fighting,  visit:  www.CAAonline.org to find the application.  Postmark DEADLINE:  March 24, 2017
 LANGUAGE & CULTURE CLUB: Every Monday at lunch in Mrs. Greene’s room (209).
 DRAMA CLUB every Tuesday at lunch in the Green Room.
 LATINO CLUB: Every Tuesday in room 302 at lunch!
 DETENTION CLUB:  Tuesdays (Mrs. Helfrich Holland, room 206); Wednesdays (Mrs. Greene, room 209);
Thursdays (Mrs. Gianopoulos, room 205); Fridays (Mrs. Tonseth, room 133) arrive no later than 3:20 PM.
 HOMEWORK HELP:  Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, in Mrs. Quintana’s room (207).  4:30 Bus available!
 OUTDOOR CLUB:  Every Wednesday in toom 204 at lunch!
 AFTER SCHOOL MATH SUPPORT!  3:25 – 4:30 in room 203. Tuesdays & Thursdays  
 OPEN MIC ON THURSDAYS!  Sponsored by HUGS during lunch!
 HUGS CLUB:  Every Friday in Mrs. Greene’s room (206 at lunch!