A Positive Addition to a Student’s Schedule

Kristen Lamb

In recent years, Bishop Union High School has added a Homeroom class to every student’s schedule. This class takes place between 4th period and Lunch. I believe that Homeroom is  a very beneficial addition to a student’s day because it guarantees a free academic period where they can focus on homework, get help from a teacher, and discuss with peers who are able to provide help. As a junior, I am very familiar with the large amount of independent work that I am expected to produce and therefore, a lot of time is dedicated to each vigorous class. I use the homeroom period to mitigate my day to day workload and get a jump start on the assigned homework from the beginning of the day. Homeroom also has an active teacher present at all times who can regulate the student’s behavior and keep them on track. Most teachers are able to provide guidance and help to the students on a variety of topics. The teachers also distributes school wide messages and information during this time which keeps the school updated on current events on campus. Homerooms also contain a randomized group of students who are all in the same grade. This is extremely helpful because I know that my peers are experiencing the same or similar classes and topics as me. This allows a productive environment where students can discuss and form study groups. The fact that they are randomized, guarantees that students from a variety of classes are grouped together. I have found this to be the best part of homeroom because I can work with students taking the same classes as me even if I would not see them very often otherwise. Homeroom is a great break during the day which includes many factors to benefit a student’s academic advancement.