Every 15 Minutes


JuliAnna Jackson

Every 15 minutes someone in the U.S. is killed by a drunken driving accident. Every 15 minutes is a program that spreads awareness to not drink and then get behind a wheel to drive. It is a huge honor to be involved in this program because each student participating is making a change to not only the school but the community as well.

The fake crash took place on Thursday, April 20th, where we had all juniors and seniors surrounding us on each side. Following the crash on Friday, April 21st, was an assembly which also included both juniors and seniors where we honored those who lost their lives in the crash. At the assembly we watched the Every 15 Minutes video that was put together, we also had guest speakers that extended on DUI’S and the tragic outcomes of them, we were then read a poem and letters to parents by some of the participants.

There were many participants in this program, we had Ashley Fitt, Lily Morrison, Kimberly Perez, Morgan Dondero, Eva Weaver, Madison Torres, Jacob Gilbert, and Kyle Schaniel who played as the “living dead.” Larissa Simpson and Alejandro Cabrera who were the drunk drivers with their passengers JuliAnna Jackson who had serious head trauma and Katy Johnston who went through the windshield. On the ground was Tony Cabrera who suffered and also died getting hit by the cars. Being a part of this program was a huge eye opener as you learn the beauty in life, family, and friendships. It proves that you can be having a lot of fun one moment and in the next everything can go wrong real quick. As Perry says every Friday before the weekend, “Don’t get in the car with anyone who is too drunk to drive!”