Personal Profile: Jorge Fierro

Anthony Chaves

Personal Profile

Player: Jorge Fierro

Grade: 10

Age: 15

Sport: Soccer

Team: Junior Varsity

Bio: Jorge Fierro was born in Mammoth Lakes, California. His parent’s names are Alicia Sanchez and Enrique Fierro. He has a half brother named Carlos who is 21 and another brother named Jesus Fierro who is currently going through training to join the U.S. Army at the age of 18.  Jorge grew up in Mammoth and then moved to Bishop California when he was in 8th grade.  He plans on graduating high school and going through police training to get a criminal justice degree. He then wants to move to Santa Barbara to become a California highway patrolman. One thing Jorge wants to do is make his parents proud.

Position: Striker

Play Style: Competitive


Height: 5’3”