Broncos Homecoming Rally 2022
Dance Team
October 28, 2022
The Broncos had their Homecoming Rally on October 28, 2022 with so many different activities they had. When the rally started the announcers Will Hennerdy and Will Twomey announced the first event of choir and honor choir singing the national anthem for the starting event. In the next event the dance team and cheer team showed us some of their moves and spirit they have for the Broncos which were very cool and awesome. In one of the best things the teachers and dance team were working together and dancing in sync with the music they had. In the homecoming rally we had a very big event with all of the school since there was a dodge ball game with Seniors and Freshman vs Juniors and Sophomores with Senior and Freshman having won the entire dodge ball game. After the game the Broncos were able to play anything they wanted like volleyball, soccer, dodge ball, military games and so many more in the rally. The Broncos Football will have their Homecoming game on October 28 on Friday at 7:00pm with being a very important game. The Homecoming dance will be held on October 29 at 8:00pm with the theme being a Night to remember so Broncos would be very excited for the dance.