Chuy Solorio Senior Profile

Oscar Mendiola, Writer

Chuy Solorio is 17 years old in BUHS as a very enthusiastic person. Chuy loves to play soccer and likes to cut people’s hair whenever he can since he always enjoys playing soccer. After High School Chuy is planning to cut hair so he can be a barber or go to college so he can learn many styles of hair. He is planning to go to college to Cerro Coso or a community college in Los Angelos. He is going to miss his friends in BUHS and playing soccer since he is one of the best players on the team. He is also going to try to play soccer during college if he goes since he never wants to stop playing soccer.

What advice would you give to incoming freshmen?

“Don’t change for nobody” said Chuy since he always kept the same attitude no matter what people told him.

What was your favorite part about your 4 years of high school?

Hanging out with friends and soccer bus trips since I got to be a starter in the soccer games.