Our Future Broncos !


Vicky B

Future Athletes of BUHS

Bishop Youth Football is a organization that has three divisions 1, 2 and 3. I have a cousin in D1, a brother in D2, and 2 cousins in D3. Most of my focus will be on the twins my cousins in D3; Manny and Camile Talavera.  I chose to interview them because they will be freshmen next year at Bishop Union High School.  Also because they are our school’s future athletes.

Interview Questions

  1. What sports have you been involved in?
    Football, Basketball, and Baseball
    Cheer leading, Football, Basketball, Softball.
  2. Your parents are graduates of Sherman Indian High School, did you have any thoughts of attending SIHS.
    “Sherman isn’t for me” Many goes on to explain that being raised in Bishop and having all his friends and family here he never really put much thought into leaving. He’s always been a bishop youth football bronco and always dreamed of being “the real deal”
    Camile is more undecided than Manny because she is more involved and has much more of a drive to socialize and meet new people. She will most likely stay in her home town Bishop, Ca because she has grown to child hood friends.
  3. What sports do you plan to participate in High School? Why?
    He plans to play football and basketball because he is passionate about these sports and has been playing since he was young.
    She enjoys playing Football, Basketball, and Softball which she would love to continue in high school. Also she enjoyed playing these sports growing up as a child.
  4. What does teamwork mean to you?
    He talks about how teamwork is important in the game and that it’s not a one man team, it’s everybody working together to win.
    She strongly believes that it means the your team works together and no one gets left behind.
  5. On a scale of one to ten, how much effort do you put into sports?
    He rates his effort at a ten because he goes to practice everyday with a positive attitude. He works hard to earn his spot on the team and never gives up.
    Camile rates herself as a ten because she is self motivated and keeps these encouraging words on her mind.  “practice makes perfect” and “you play how you practice”.

Individual Questions

  • Do you think you will change your mind about playing baseball in high school?
    Manny says “No, because I am not interested and lost the love for the game”
  • How does it feel to be the only girl playing football and has not quit ?
    Camile exclaims “It’s a different experience, first of all”. She explains that the sport comes with a lot of challenges and proudly states “It’s fun!” Last she tells me that it has showed her that boys have less drama and are good friends. She adds some extra thoughts to the end of her interview, “I am really proud of myself for sticking it out and not quitting because I had second thoughts”