What is Fall?

Jordan Kost

My name is Jordan Kost and I love nature. I haven’t always admired the world outside and actually believed I was an indoor kid for most of my life. However, I have found that I’m able to connect with myself when outside on a trail or admiring the sunset and as a result,  disconnect from the digital universe. A majority of my social circle adores Fall and claim it as their favorite season. I decided to embark on a personal quest to discover what makes Fall so wonderful. I took to the outdoors and soon found a deeper appreciation for this season.

The obvious aspects of Fall include: pumpkin flavored drinks, sweaters, flannels, pumpkins, Halloween, leaf colors, cool weather, etc. I personally adore being able to enjoy a hot beverage in the morning without sweating. Sweaters are my favorite article of clothing, they’re soft, warm, cozy, and overall fun to wear. Everyone I know can tell you how I get cold easily, exceptionally easily, but that doesn’t stop my love for the cold/stormy weather. I have to admit, watching the stormy clouds roll in over the Sierra Nevada’s is thrilling and exciting.

Traveling up to the Aspendell area on Saturday it’s breathtaking to see the blankets of yellow, orange and red that covered the river banks. The air was a crisp cool and attempting to steal the warmth from my body, but my warm sweater and Hot Coco kept me cozy. I walked towards the vibrant yellows of Intake Two to capture the essence of Fall colors. The sunlight was strong, shining through the yellow leaves of the trees seeking out the darkness of the forest.

Picture of leaves

The water sounded cold and slow, the natural thundering chime of the moving water didn’t interrupt the rhythm of the ecosystem, but upgraded it. I find solitude and peace in situations such as these. I’m a guest in the house of these sounds, as their music guides me to a solution to the dilemma in my life. I’m a worrier, a constant crowd pleaser. As the saying goes, “you can’t please everyone,” with much guidance I have learned to believe and accept this. Imagine I am a tree, my roots are what ground me and my branches move the leaves that help keep me alive. In life my roots are my parents, I’m fortunate to have the wonderfully supportive parents I have. They provide me with the nutrients I need to live, yet they are sometimes unseen. Without their honesty and love I would not be where I am today. So thank you Kim and Greg, for everything you have given me and taught me, I love you.

Lauren Kost looking out on Convict Lake.
Lauren Kost looking out on Convict Lake.

This is one of my  branches. My sister provides strength and energy to me when I need it the most. We have a dynamic relationship that I wouldn’t trade for the world. She inspires me to recreate myself at every possible moment and to stand up for what I believe in. She is gorgeous inside and out and I’m proud to be her brother.

The transition of leaf colors is a common reason given for the love of Fall. No two living organisms are exactly alike, even if they are the same species or of the same kin. Each tree reacts differently to the change of the season. Some shed their leaves in hopes of reproducing, however, other trees remain green for as long as possible to gain additional energy from the sun to survive the winter. This effect is called the flight or fight response. (Thanks Mr. Yolken for the Biology lesson, I still remember it) The leaves of the tree come and go. I’m in the midst of learning the life lesson of letting go. Letting go is a skill that no one, in my opinion, can master. So far I’ve realized that letting go doesn’t mean forgetting, in fact it’s a means to heal and learn. I have had to take responsibility for my own actions and realize the actions of my leaves. Then, like a tree, let go or shed them away for winter to make room for more. These leaves go on to fulfill other purposes of the ecosystem and will always be apart of me. The picturesque landscape of fall demonstrates the beauty that can be found in letting go.

Fall is a time of reflection and preparation for the year ahead. I have found a meaning of Fall for me. I’m a 16 year old boy who is in the midst of high school and my life is a work in progress. There are times I want to give up, but then I look around me and realize life keeps moving. The constant continuous cycle of life is beautiful and doesn’t stop growing so I have to learn to keep up. The meaning of Fall is different for each individual. I encourage everyone to go out on their own quest,  follow some path or sidewalk and discover what Fall means to them.

Lauren Kost
Lauren Kost