Broncos Take the Sting Out of the Scorpions


#10 Clay Omohundro

Paige Vance, Sports Editor

Broncos vs. Scorpions

Bishop’s varsity boys basketball team played their second league game on Tuesday winning 50-40 against the Desert Scorpions. 

I caught up with head coach Robert Chavez after the game and asked him how the boys did and he said “The game against Desert went well, it started off a little slow but once we got our comfortable five together things went better and we played well the rest of the game. We could work more on rebounding, having more ball movement and always more layups.” 

Coach Chavez said that “the most exciting part for our coaching staff is the glory of the best ballers our school has play ball and the way they know how we love this game.” 

The varsity boys will be on the road Friday heading to California City to play the defending league champions. 


BUHS, Broncos, Basketball, Varsity, 2020, Desert