Bronco Baseball Gearing Up for First Game

February 28, 2018
Bronco Boys Begin to Find Rhythm in Anticipation of First Game
As we all know, baseball players are creatures of habit and superstition. Ball players develop their routines and superstitious tendencies and stick with them, often eating the same meal, listening to a certain song before every game, or carrying their glove with them where every they go. There is something to be said about the beauty and the strangeness of their consistency, not only in their routines, but also in their swings, their pitches and the way they field every ground ball or pop fly. With the level of precision that the game demands, it is essential for players to work day in and day out so their skills can become second nature. Anyone who has every played the game knows this, so to make sure the boys are where they need to be before their game against Mammoth, the coaches have decided to have Varsity and JV scrimmage each other so they get some game-like experience, and the coaching staff can see if there are any players on JV good enough to play on Varsity.
So far, both teams have played well in the two out of five games played. The pitching staff has thrown exceptionally well, the boys’ bats have made plenty of noise, and the defense has looked rock solid. If the boys keep this up throughout the season, not even Rosamond will stand a chance of beating them. The boys will play their first game against Mammoth this Tuesday at 3:15, so wish them luck and come out to support them!