Let’s Create An App
October 16, 2017
Thornburg offering Unique Class
Have you ever dreamed of creating an app of your own? Did you ever want to say “I own and created an app!”? Here is your chance to get to. “Crazy-Z Thornburg” ( Mr. Thornburg ) , Master at the BSC, is having a “Make Your Own App” class @ 7PM on Thursday’s at the BSC starting in October for about an estimated time of six weeks. Also, if you decide to participate in this class, you will receive an elective credit. It doesn’t get better than that.
Don’t know Mr. Thornburg and his mad skills? Do you have questions? Here’s a small interview and some questions answered by Crazy-Z Thornburg;
Q. What was your motive to start this app creation class?
“I think understanding code and apps is a requirement for most things nowadays. A good and valuable skill to have especially in the future and an intro to Mr.Dillard’s class.”
Q. Do you think a lot people are going to be interested in this program?
“I have no idea. A few people have sparked interest. There’s a lot of things going on right now but we will see.”
Q. Why an Android app? Why can’t we do an app for Apple?
“You can download the app from anywhere with an android, You don’t need to go the app store like you do for Apple. It’s also most likely to cost a few bucks. There’s a much more difficult process to develop an app for Apple as well.”
Q. What are you hoping these students will accomplish besides finishing an app?
“An intro to the logic and programming. Hoping to encourage students to get interested into this area of field.”
Q. What kind of app are you going to be creating?
“The sky is the limit. The program we’re going to be using can practically make anything but students are going to be making entry level apps.”
Q. When are you hoping to complete the app?
“At the latest, by the end of the semester. Aiming for something in between Thanksgiving and Christmas”
Q. Have you created any apps before? If so, how many and what are they called? Are they successful?
“I’ve built little tools for IOS. I’m leading it, but this is a learning process for everyone. I’m anxious to build my own app too.”
Any more questions about the class? Don’t hesitate to go into the BSC to talk to him or to email Crazy-Z at [email protected].