Old Tradition Given New Life

Bernice the Bronco waves to her fans

Matthew Rosga, Assistant to the Sports Editor

Field Day is Making a Comeback

With the absence of the homecoming parade this year an old tradition is being revived to take its place; the long forgotten field day. Homecoming week is fast approaching and so are all the events that go along with the game such as Powder puff football, Iron man volleyball, the homecoming dance and now field day.

Mr. Cook said that field day will be held on Thursday the 28th  and a barbecue and rally will be included in the festivities. As for the other activities planned Mr. Cook said that he is not sure what ASB has cooked up for us but they “had purchased knocker balls for competitive games between classes.” As for the decision to have field day instead of the parade this year Mr. Cook said it was because “it was hard to get a time when [the community] could come out and support the parade” since it was held on a Thursday night, so instead he asked ASB to see if they could bring field day back in its place. So on the 28th all students will be excused around 12 but will be back in class in time for 7th period.

After Mr. Cook came to them with his proposition ASB came to the collective decision to bring back field day, a decision which ASB Junior Vice President Owen Trimble believes “will be a good thing and it will help bring back class spirit”. He also said that “students will enjoy field day” and that “[we] will be given lunch and we will have a rally!”

With an old event being revitalized that no student on this campus has experienced before along with great games and activities, this year’s homecoming is sure to be one that is interesting and fun for all students.

Field Day, BUHS, School Spirit, Knocker ball, Homecoming, Bishop, Fun