Homecoming Ticket Contest
August 31, 2017
BUHS Homecoming Contest
What would you do with an extra 40$ at homecoming, Mr.Rowan and all ASB students are offering a free homecoming dance ticket through creativity. “Welcome to the jungle” is the 2017 homecoming theme.
This contest will be open to all BUHS students, The ticket design must include the theme (welcome to the jungle), the date of the dance (9/30), the location (Tri-county fairgrounds), and the time (8 to midnight). IF you have any questions contact Mrs. Owens room 107 or Mr. Rowan 803 and it must be school appropriate.
This years homecoming tickets will be $35 with ASB card and $40 without ASB card. So please make it a tough decision for these teachers. BUHS has a lot of artistic students out there, so compete against fellow classmates and try to get that free dance ticket.