Many Seniors at Bishop Union High School have expressed their opinions on ixl. The Bronco round-up got the chance to interview some seniors,
Courtney Perze saying “It’s pointless.”
CJ Carrington saying “Not a big fan, because people don’t use it to learn anything, we just do it because it is required.”
Oscar Mendola saying “Students should not do it, it doesn’t help us learn.”
Shane Collins saying “It’s a very unpleasant experience and it’s a waste of money for the school.”
Jason Muller saying “I think it pretty useless there’s no point, If you’re bad at math then you’re bad at math, ixl won’t change your math ability.”
Kim Perze saying “It’s a waste of personal time”
Bodie Garci saying “It’s stupid because it is a waste of time and doesn’t help us improve in any way”
Brock Carter saying “I hate”
Vincent Weaver saying “It’s pretty poopy’
Justin Pettit saying “It sucks”
Presley Carr saying “Ixl is pointless and I don’t see a benefit to it. Why am I being tested on math, I’m not taking math as a senior. Why do I have to spend my homeroom time on Ixl, when I could be doing my Homework or other classwork. End Ixl for seniors”
Georgia Gastlum saying “It’s kind of useless for seniors.”
Kaia McGrale saying ” I hate it, no point”