Cai is a Senior here at BUHS, and recently I have had the chance to interview them so let’s hear more about them and their experience here at BUHS and onward.
Cai has been here in Bishop for 8 years and is where she started public school. Her hobbies include reading, listening to music, photography, and going to the gym. She describes her experience here as being interesting even though she hasn’t been to other schools, she describes it as being pretty nice. Her favorite teachers here at BUHS are Frigerio, Palu, Carli, April, and Helfrich Holland. Cai plans on attending Cerro Coso Community College after she graduates for two years and then transferring over to the University of Reno, Nevada. For those incoming freshmen though she has advice and that is to “not waste time worrying about what other people think of you. If you carry yourself with confidence, people will like you”.