This week I got a great opportunity to interview Erik Forsman aka Mr. Forsman.
Mr. Forsman is the New Vice Principal here at BUHS, and so far he’s enjoying his time here.
Before moving to Bishop Mr. Forsman was living near Truckee Nevada, running a science camp. So far Mr. Forsman loves living in Bishop, saying “Between the students, the community, and the natural beauty of the mountains, I could not be happier.” Outside of school, Mr. Forsman likes to paddle board, raft guiding, snowboarding and he’s looking forward to rock climbing. This summer he traveled to Salmon River, Idaho to guide students on a whitewater adventure, he also has a daughter who lives in Hawaii.
Mr. Forsman was been an educator for 16 years, he started off as a science teacher and then an administration at a K-8 comprehensive high school and an alternative education program. Mr. Forsman’s goals for the year are making “Bishop High a safe and positive place for all students to learn and succeed.” and he is most looking forward to “getting to know the students and teachers and finding ways to improve all of our school experiences.”
Lastly, Mr. Forman’s Favorite food is Sushi and his favorite drink is water.