Katy Johnston Senior Profile

Katy Johnston

Evan Fuller

What will you miss the most about BUHS?

“ I will miss the energy of BUHS, it’s just always so positive and i’ll miss it”


What do you do outside of school for fun?

“I love to travel, I’m the president of the bishop tribal youth council, the pacific region representative for a youth organization called ‘UNITY’. I get to travel to native youth conferences often and I absolutely love it”.


Do you plan on moving away, and if so, where?

“Of  course I do, as much as I love the bishop there’s so much of the world still to see. I don’t have an exact place in mind but it better be someplace amazing and suit me and my personality”


What career would you like to do?

“I want to go to college so someday I can be an executive director of a big business one day” 


Do you plan on going to college, and if so, where?

“I either want to attend ‘Syracuse University’ in New York or ‘University Hawaii at Manoa’ in Hawaii’  I want to study communications and Psychology.” 


What is your biggest accomplishment in life?

“My biggest accomplishment is being able to represent the bishop paiute tribe as much as I’ve been able while still in high school”


What advice do you have for incoming freshmen?

“My advice is don’t worry about having a big group of friends, focus on school so you can conquer your dreams”