College Prospects of Bronco Seniors
Photo of the front of the school. Photo by Shelby Haye
November 10, 2020
Pandemic challenges Bronco seniors while applying for college
The pandemic has taken a toll on the lives of many, but for high school seniors, it has been a challenging decision while applying for colleges. Because of the current situation, most colleges and universities are going virtual for the 2020-2021 school year. It is safe to say that the current seniors are experiencing doubt and second guessing their own college decisions.
With application deadlines approaching, it is difficult to know what schools to apply to. Many students have not been able to tour colleges and that can also impose a challenge on where to apply. Virtual tours are just not the same. While talking with Bishop High Senior, Clara Place, most seniors are having to apply to many more colleges than anticipated due to this lack of campus tours.
“I am applying to way more colleges than I would have if we weren’t in a pandemic,” Clara explained. “Since I can’t visit anywhere right now, I haven’t been able to move any colleges to the top of my list or cross any off. This means that my list has just kept growing.”

It will be interesting to see what next year holds for the prospective college students. While people have high hopes for the upcoming years, nothing is set in stone and no one has a complete idea of what to expect. High school senior, Tylar Banta, has not felt the need to change her college list or plans.
“I have not yet changed my plans for applying to college and I still expect to submit my applications in the near future.” Banta said.
Most students feel the need to continue their applications and keep their options open for all possible outcomes. In another perspective, Guidance Counselor, Mrs. Andersen, believes that more students will be attending community colleges in thinking more virtual learning is possible during the 2021-2022 school year.
“Because the pandemic has been so financially difficult for many families – community college makes a lot of sense to pursue,” Andersen shared. “Especially attending Cerro Coso in Bishop, because it is FREE and students can transfer to any 4 year college in California and even UNR after going to and doing well at Cerro Coso.”
Although everyone may have a different point of view, I think we can all agree that we are hoping for the best this upcoming year.