Senior Field Trip to Independence Feedback

Veronica Ramos Vargas, writer

The Bishop High School seniors took a field trip to the Independence jail. When the seniors got to Independence they were split into two groups and went to the jail first. They explained each area of the jail with the seniors and walked us through it and told us the process of what happens in each area.
This was a cool experience seeing where they took the crime graphic pictures and then they took us to the holding tank. They took us to the visiting booths and the guy who gave us the tour was really funny and kept making lots of jokes about the jail of being haunted. We passed by where we would go inside the cells, instead of going in the cells we went upstairs to the command room sections of each cell. They explained why they were separated and explained how more men were in jail rather than women
Then we switched groups and went to the courthouse where they took us straight to the courtroom and we did a mock trial, 12 of us got to pretend like we were on the jury. We talked about why certain people shouldn’t be allowed to be on the jury and different reasons why you should and shouldn’t be.