Terry Mahan Brings a Powerful Story to BUHS

Lauren Kost

Terry Mahan lost his son to a Fentanyl overdose on January 3, 2019. Mahan was not a professional speaker but he simply was trying to reach out to kids and parents to inform them about this growing national crisis.  Mahan wants to do what he can to help others avoid the emotional pain and loss he is experiencing since his youngest son, Daniel Mahan passed away.

Mahan did not discus his sons story in detail but he was very informative about Fentanyl and how little of it can be fatal. He also shared how his son was a very excellent athlete and was very funny. Mahan said that he never would have thought to described his son as dead from an overdose.

Sergeant Ron Gladding of the Bishop Police Department also discussed and showed a video about Opioid addiction as well as representative from the Northern Inyo Hospital’s Opioid Addiction team.

Many students agreed that this presentation was very informational and was very touching. There are a few kids who were able to connect with the pain that Mahan feels as they have loved ones who have been through similar situations. Mahan did a great job informing us about how serious it is to make the wrong decisions.