Senior Journey Slideshows Requested!


Paige Lary, Directorial Editor

Several teachers have forwarded the requests of freshmen students, asking seniors if they can share their experiences with preparing for life after high school, including applying for college, going to trade schools, getting financial aid, and all of the things they did to get where the want to be.

Mrs. Quintana surveyed her freshman homeroom and found that many students were eager to learn more about postsecondary plans. “Freshmen are already looking forward to making plans for after graduation,” she said. “And anxiously!”

Mrs. Quintana has already had several seniors present slideshows to the freshmen in her class. She is taking walk-ins and knows that many other teachers who have a freshman class for homeroom are interested in doing the same.

If you are a senior who is interested in sharing your future plans, be sure to check in with Mrs. Quintana to learn more!